Human Epidermal Growth Factor (hEGF)
Human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) is a 53 amino acid polypeptide (Figures 1 and 2) found in our duodenum and salivary glands. It is capable of stimulating cell proliferation and differentiation of various epidermal tissues, such as epidermis of skin, gastrointestinal tract and cornea.

Figure 1. The amino acid sequence of hEGF.

Figure 2. HPLC Profile of purified hEGF available from GVN
EGF was first isolated from the submaxillary gland of mouse in 1960 by Stanley Cohen, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery and research on EGF in 1986. The first isolation of hEGF was from human urine in 1962.
The healing processes enhanced by hEGF are well-documented in numerous applications. It acts as an active ingredient for promoting the repair of duodenal ulcer, hepatic injury and eye damage. It minimizes the effects of ureteral obstruction, assists the regeneration of nerve tissue and potentiates the effects of anti-cancer drugs.
Its effects have been extended in commercial sector. Cosmetic and skincare products supplemented with hEGF available from GVN (Figure 3 and 4) are able to regenerate the skin epidermis. It improves the texture and condition of the skin. Most importantly, it has passed safety tests, toxicity tests, allergy tests and no adverse effects have been reported.

Lane 1: Protein prestained markers; Lane 2: Commercial hEGF (5ug); Lane 3: hEGF purified in our lab (5ug)
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